Paper and Presentation

論 文 及 發 表


Title Department/Unit/Centre Monographer
The Evolution of Workplace Learning in the United States Since 1607 HRD Enterprises,
Bon Secours Health System,
Johns Hopkins University
Gary J.Confessore, Ed.D,
Sharon J. Confessore,Ph.D.,
EunMi Park, Ed.D.
A Model of Lifelong Learning Capacity Building in Professional Education Assistant Professor of Medicine,
Associate Director of Education,
Division of Geriatric Medicine and Gerontology
EunMi Park, Ed.D., MLAC

Lifelong Learning And Human Resource Development In A Globalised Economy(Some Observations from the Singapore Context)

2nd Vice-President of Singapore Association for Continuing Education (2007-2009),
Past President of Singapore Association for Continuing Education Country Representative ,Singapore
East Asian Forum for Adult Education (EAFAE)
Thomas Kuan
Lifelong Learning in Korea Assistant Professor,Sangji University,Korea
Director,International Cooperation Team,National Institute for Lifelong Education
Choi, Don Min, Ph. D,
Kang, Dae Joong, Ph. D
Vocational Education and Today’s Topics on Adult (Social) Education in Japan Professor of Konan Women's University 村上博光Hiromitsu Murakami
論文題目 單位 發表人
廣東省技工教育實習指導教師培養途徑的探討 廣東省國防科技高級技工學校 喻勋良
全球化形勢下的終身學習和人才培育 日本法政大學教授 笹川孝一SASAGAWA
繼續教育與專業培訓:香港高等院校的經驗 香港中文大學專業進修學院院長
提升中階技術人員的職場競爭力-台灣進修專校與學院成人繼續教育的經驗分析 台灣高雄師範大學成人教育研究所教授兼教育學院院長 王政彥
培訓需要分析(TNA) 亞洲國際公開大學教授 顧良智